Thursday, October 16, 2008


Blogitis: Also called the Blog Bite, is a systemic disease caused by an individual's urgent need to divulge personal opinions, perspectives, and thoughts to the masses. The Blog Bite is generally transmitted via peer pressure. A previously content individual may be led to believe that it is healthier and more fulfilling to put one's thoughts in writing and express them in a public setting. As a result, we see that Blogitis, once confined to a minority of participants, is now a world-wide pandemic.

Early symptoms may include lack of sleep, strained eyes, and accelerated carpal tunnel. Infected persons often complain of increased attention deficit due to the individual's preoccupation and obsession with the topic and content of their next blog entry.

Symptoms generally appear within 1 to 3 weeks of infection, although some have shown progressive symptoms in as little as 24 hours after exposure. Untreated cases are eventually socially fatal. People who become ill with lack of sleep, obsessive tendencies, or other manifestations of Blogitis are advised to seek early social intervention. Blog Bite can usually be cured by an appropriate course of anti-anti-social therapy. Fresh air and direct sunlight are the drugs of choice to treat the early stages of this disease. Progressive stages require the disappearance or fatal death of the infected person's computer.

No vaccine is available to prevent this disease. Infected persons are attracted to new blog posts, breaking news, and interesting or annoying life events. Individuals are encouraged to avoid these dangerous areas to avoid the Blog Bite. Non-bloggers at risk of peer pressure from infected individuals are advised to avoid boredom, procrastination, and late unplanned evenings that may lead to blogging.


Scott said...

I like your blog. You should write more.

Ray said...

I've been bitten and I definitely have the accelerated bug. Check out my new blog at Oh, and I love your blog. You are a funny one, Melinda Wells. I agree with Scott. You should write more.